Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Changes Coming to Our Sick Game in 2007

Last night the owners of Ewing Oil and Sweet Valley Death met to discuss league business at Fuego Churrascaria Steakhouse in Brandon, Florida. In between bites of succulent steak, chicken, lamb and sausage, some changes were decided upon that will alter the face of Our Sick Game in the coming 2007 season. Among the changes:

- Rosters will expand to 76 players. Teams will be allowed to keep 10 players (5 more than the current number), and on draft day will select 65 players. One additional player will be selected on the July 4th Supplemental Draft to bring the maximum roster size to 76.

- Teams will be given two insurance policies next season, one more than they had available in 2006. Here's the catch: teams can only use one policy per half of the season. Unused policies will not carry over past July 4th, the designated mid-point of the season.

- In a twist on the fan-favorite "Moneyball" concept, team owners will now select 10 players from the opposing roster who they believe WILL NOT die in the coming season. If all 10 of the selected players are alive at the end of the season, December 31, 2007, that team will be awarded 10 bonus points. No partial credit will be awarded, all 10 players MUST be alive when the season ends. Submissions are currently being accepted as to what to call this twist.

- Beginning with the 2008 season, people who have already been sentenced to death WILL NOT be eligible to be drafted. This is to prevent inclusion of players who are only being drafted because of their status on death row. We at Our Sick Game do have some standards.

In addition to the changes, it was agreed upon that the grand prize (a $50 DVD of the winner's choice) remain the same. Expansion talks also have been shelved for at least another season.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


At the End of October...

After ten months, nine bodies and one failed insurance policy, Ewing Oil has retaken first place from Sweet Valley Death and leads by the score 127-123.5. A recap:

Sweet Valley Death:
January -- Lou Rawls (moneyball), 56, Shelly Winters, 15
February -- Al Lewis, 18
July -- Insurance taken out on Fidel Castro (7/31), 10.5
September -- Patricia Lawford Kennedy, 18
October -- Buck O'Neil, 6

Ewing Oil:
January -- Coretta Scott King, 22
February -- Don Knotts (moneyball), 38
March -- Dana Reeve, 56
October -- Red Auerbach, 11

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