Saturday, May 09, 2009


Dead Doms Boost S.V.D.

S.V.D. has retaken the lead over Ewing Oil early in the month of May with back-to-back deaths involving two noted Doms: DeLuise and DiMaggio. Dom DeLuise, 75, and Dom DiMaggio, 92, combined to give S.V.D. 33 points, giving them a 71.5-41 lead over Ewing Oil. The two deaths also set S.V.D. up for a potential hat trick in May, which would be the first since January of 2008.

Friday, May 01, 2009


At the end of April...

With four months and a four deaths in the books, Ewing Oil has opened a narrow lead on the defending champion Sweet Valley Death by a score of 41-38.5. A recap:

Sweet Valley Death:
January -- Ricardo Montalban, 12
February -- Paul Harvey, 10
April -- * Insurance taken on Stephen Hawking, 16.5

Ewing Oil:
April -- Harry Kalas, 27, Bea Arthur, 14

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