Tuesday, March 14, 2006


A Commentary from Sweet Valley Death

Life is not a valuable gift, but death is. Life is a fever-dream made up of joys embittered by sorrows, pleasure poisoned by pain; a dream that is a nightmare-confusion of spasmodic and fleeting delights, ecstasies, exaltations, happiness, interspersed with long-drawn miseries, griefs, perils, horrors, disappointments, defeats,humiliations, and despairs--the heaviest curse devisable by divine ingenuity; but death is sweet, death is gentle, death is kind; death heals the bruised spirit and the broken heart, and gives them rest and forgetfulness; death is man's best friend; when man can endure life no longer, death comes and sets him free.

I say that to say this: We are not concerned. You know what they say about death and taxes? Well April's on it's way and Andy Griffith still lives. What do you think is going to happen? My money is on the sweet inevitability of delicious death.

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