Monday, June 19, 2006


Death Penalty in Cards for Oil's Hussein

Prosecutors in the trial of former Iraqi leader and Ewing Oil first-round draft pick Sadaam Hussein have recommended that he receive the death penalty. The five-judge panel considering his case could have a decision regarding Hussein's future by as early as August or September.

Hussein's status looms large over this season of Our Sick Game. A spokesperson for Ewing Oil acknowledged as much when asked about his team's first-round selection.

"Hussein is an interesting player," the spokesperson said. "We selected him with the full expectation that he would be found guilty in his trial and then be put to death. This leaves us in a vulnerable position, however, because the folks over at Sweet Valley Death will know the day and time of his demise. This season the addition of insurance policies increases the likelihood that they could earn points off Hussein's death by insuring him at the right moment."

"We can only hope that Sweet Valley Death has used its insurance policy prior to Hussein's death on a player of lesser value. A Jane Wyman, or a Sherwood Schwartz perhaps. Otherwise, one might consider our high investement in Hussein to be nothing more than a wash."

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