Friday, August 25, 2006


Another Week, Another Surgery for Ford

Perputual Our Sick Game tease Gerald Ford is back in the news yet again, this time for a recent angioplasty surgery. Sweet Valley Death will no doubt be the benificiary of Ford's seven points in the very near future, the only question remains is when?

A spokesperson from Ewing Oil, however, remained unimpressed with Ford's recent antics. "Call me when he does something extraordinary. I'm talking about massive heart attack, or even getting mauled by a mountain lion. Until then it's just Ford being Ford. I'm glad we don't have to deal with that garbage around here."

Ahem! "Benificiary" ??
Children ARE watching. PLEASE be precise about grammar and spelling!


a Nashville Fantasy Football Commiss- Uh, I mean, "An Interested Observer"
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