Friday, August 11, 2006


S.V.D., Castro Survive Insurance

It took 10 days and 240 hours until Sweet Valley Death could breathe a sigh of relief. One of its shining stars, Fidel Castro, survived a tango with the reaper and temporarily avoided death's hot embrace. While normally rooting for Castro to die, Sweet Valley Death had been reduced to praying for his life while the Cuban dictator lay somewhere in Havana as the insured property of Ewing Oil. Now that his insurance policy has lapsed, the hopes and dreams of Ewing Oil lay in ruins. Ewing Oil no longer has any recourse in the event of Castro's death. Sweet Valley Death, however, has much to gain. If Castro dies before the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2006, Sweet Valley Death will earn full point value for his death in addition to the 10.5 points it earned on July 31 when Ewing Oil took out the insurance policy. The numbers of points up for grabs now could turn the game in Sweet Valley Death's favor.

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