Monday, September 18, 2006


DEAD KENNEDY: S.V.D. Passes Ewing Oil

The death of Patricia Kennedy Lawford, 82, has propelled Sweet Valley Death ahead of Ewing Oil by the slimmest of margins, 117.5 to 116. With just over three months to go in the season, Sweet Valley Death is now in the driver's seat with four deaths, a half-point lead, and Fidel Castro's points still up for grabs following Ewing Oil's failed insurance attempt last month. A spokesperson for Ewing Oil said that despite the death of Lawford, they will refuse to mope.

"It's not a great day for us, but at the end of the day we're only trailing by 1/2 point. We still believe in the players on our roster and will not be content to go down without a fight. Having said that, congratulations are in order to the folks over at Sweet Valley Death. You'll never go wrong with a Kennedy on your team."

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