Monday, September 25, 2006



You know what really pisses me off? The fact that no matter how hard I work, I can't get any motherfucking recognition. I mean Jesus, whatsa matter with you fuckers? Are you fucking retarded? Why am I not in this fucking ... whatever this is? I need to be in it! Courtney Love? Motherfucking Scott Weiland? That's some fucked up shit. I'll be dead in a ditch by Christmas and everyone knows it. You fuckers. Fuck you.

And who are the rest of these losers? I've never heard of any of them. Who the fuck is Jimmy Carter? He looks old. What has he ever done?

When I woke up this afternoon next to my gardner (what are they when they aren't Mexican or Chinese? Fillipino?), my agent called me about some fucking after school special shit or something. I told him to shove that shit up his ass and get me in the dead game thing. Jesus fuck. I don't know why I pay him. I can't take all this disrespect and I don't give a raggedy cunt hair what anyone else thinks.

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