Friday, December 29, 2006



In a move that has created the most compelling moment in the history of Our Sick Game, early this morning Sweet Valley Death took out an insurance policy on Ewing Oil's Saddam Hussein. The 69-year-old Hussein is scheduled to be executed this weekend in Iraq. If he is executed before midnight Eastern Standard Time on Monday morning, Sweet Valley Death will have successfully blocked the points that would have earned Ewing Oil a victory. As it stands currently, Ewing Oil has regained the lead with only three days remaining in the season. Where all hope once appeared to be lost, Ewing Oil now leads 142.5-135.5 by virtue of Hussein's 31 total points (half of his point value, 15.5, is immediately awarded to Ewing Oil at the moment insurance is taken). If Hussein manages to survive into the new year, Ewing Oil will emerge as an unlikely champion in an unexpected and dramatic conclusion to the wildest season of Our Sick Game ever.

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