Wednesday, December 27, 2006



It has finally happened. After nearly 24 months of relentless teasing, Gerald Ford has finally died at the age of 93. One of the most captivating, and at-times frustrating, players in the history of Our Sick Game, former President Gerald Ford leaves behind a rich legacy in this game and his impact will never be forgotten. His death extends Sweet Valley Death's lead over Ewing Oil to 135.5-127 with only 4 days remaining in the season.
In addition to his seven points, Ford's death gives Sweet Valley Death something else to think about heading into this evening's 2007 draft. Ford would have certainly found his way onto S.V.D.'s protected list, so now they must consider who will replace Ford at the top of their roster going into next season.
This morning a stunned Ewing Oil issued a statement through its spokesperson.
"Today we mourn the death of a great man, President Gerald Ford. His passing has definitely hurt our chances of catching Sweet Valley Death this season. This may be a blow that is too difficult for even us to overcome. Again, hats off to Sweet Valley Death for drafting Ford with the sixth pick. He was a slam-dunk all the way."

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