Tuesday, December 19, 2006


YABBA DABBA DO! Barbera Dead, S.V.D. in Lead

Sweet Valley Death had been promising a December surprise, and on Monday it delivered one of the biggest in the history of Our Sick Game. The death of animator Joe Barbera, 95, has propelled Sweet Valley Death into the lead with less than two weeks remaining in the 2006 season. Barbera's five points means that Ewing Oil now trails by the incredibly tight score of 128.5-127. Adding insult to injury for Ewing Oil, Barbera was the 50th and final player chosen in last year's draft by Sweet Valley Death.
"That is what I call drafting," said a spokesperson for Ewing Oil. "We select the Pope with our last pick and he's still alive and well. They take a low-value pick and look how it pays off for them. I tell you, between Barbera and Buck O'Neil, those 90+ year-olds just killed us."
Actually, what may have killed Ewing Oil was its now-infamous decision to take out insurance on Fidel Castro, thus awarding Sweet Valley Death 10.5 critical points. Talk amongst insiders is that Castro, not Barbera, is currently the favorite to win Most Valuable Player honors for his role in turning Our Sick Game this season.

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