Monday, January 01, 2007


Survivor Series 2007 Picks

A new twist to this season of Our Sick Game is the Survivor Series. As you recall, each team will select 10 players from the other team's roster who they believe will not die in 2007. If each of the selected players remains alive at the end of 2007, 10 points will be awarded to the lucky team. No partial credit will be awarded. Mediocrity is frowned upon, not rewarded, here at Our Sick Game.

Sweet Valley Death:
Roger Ebert
Pope Benedict XVI
Gerald McRaney
Leslie Nielsen
Scott Weiland
Michael J. Fox
Pat Burns
Nicole Richie
Phil Lesh
Greg Page

Ewing Oil:
Vin Scully
Queen Elizabeth II
Annette Funicello
Lee Greenwood
Vern Troyer
Gary Glitter
Glenn Frey
Liza Minelli
G. Gordon Liddy
Gen Pervez Musharraf

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