Saturday, February 10, 2007


Al Michaels & John Madden on Anna Nicole Smith

Al: So John, everyone's talking about Anna Nicole's legacy today. What do you think her long term impact on the game will be?

John: Well, she's what it's all about, you know? This game's about dying and that's what she did. I don't know if anyone was looking for her to make this kind of statement so early in her career, but we knew she had the talent. In the short time she's been in this league she's been a true ambassador of this game all around the world. Every time someone saw her, they'd always say, "She's definitely going to die." And Anna Nicole paid off on all that early promise.

Al: There's been a sort of fad in recent years to draft this type of player. People get excited by drug problems and a chaotic lifestyle. What set her apart from the rest?

John: I don't think there's any comparison. I mean sure, Courtney Love and Nicole Richie look good on paper, but guess what? They're still alive. Anna Nicole Smith is the kind of player that you win championships with.

Al: First ballot Hall of Famer?

John: No question, Al. We start off a new year and everyone's looking at Castro and BOOM! She burns the competition for a big score. She's in the Hall for sure.

Al: Anna Nicole Smith. Truely a brilliant career and she will be sorely missed.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


NEVER IN DOUBT: Anna Nicole Smith Dead at 39

The Sweet Valley Death juggernaut keeps rolling along as today it scored its greatest coup yet: Anna Nicole Smith, 39, and S.V.D.'s 65th round draft pick in the draft, has died. Smith's death earns S.V.D. 61 points, the largest ever point total in the history of Our Sick Game. Her 61 points increase S.V.D.'s lead over Ewing Oil by the score of 80-0.
A representative for Sweet Valley Death celebrated the news by effusively thanking a higher power. "This is a God-given gift," he said. "I didn't do this. Our team didn't do this. Praise be to God."
A stunned spokesperson for Ewing Oil said that he wished Sweet Valley Death congratulations and expressed hope that the death of Anna Nicole Smith would "motivate"other borderline personalities such as Nicole Richie and Scott Weiland.
"While I am not at all surprised Anna Nicole is dead, I just didn't think it would happen so early in the season," the Ewing Oil spokesperson said. "This is discouraging, of course, but there's a lot of fight left in Ewing Oil."

Thursday, February 01, 2007


At the End of January...

Withe one month in the books, and one old man in a body bag, Sweet Valley Death leads Ewing Oil in a low-scoring contest, 19-0. A recap:

Sweet Valley Death:
January -- Art Buchwald, 19

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