Tuesday, April 03, 2007


GUEST COMMENTARY: British Sailor Faye Turney

To Our Sick Game People:

I am writing to you as a British service person who has been sent to Iraq, sacrificed due to the intervening policies of the Bush and Blair governments. We were arrested after entering Iranian waters by the Iranian forces. For this I am deeply sorry. I understand that this has caused even more distrust for the people of Iran, and the whole area of the British.

The Iranian people treated me well and have proved themselves to be caring, compassionate, hospitable, and friendly. For this I am thankful. I want you all to know that I am well and safe. I am being well looked after. I am fed 3 meals a day and have a constant supply of fluids. The people are friendly and hospitable, very compassionate and warm. I am fine here. Please, DO NOT DRAFT ME IN JULY. Of course, I will be returned home as soon as the British Parliament House apologizes for their incursion into Iranian waters, but in the highly unlikely event I haven't gotten to my home in England, Britain, yet, you must not consider taking me in the 4th of July Supplemental Draft. Also, if you suddenly stop hearing from me, it will because I like it here very much and have decided to stay forever. Oh, and death to Israel.

Faye Turney

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