Monday, April 23, 2007


Yeltsin Dead; S.V.D. Now Leads By 111

In what has already become the most one-sided season in the history of Our Sick Game, Sweet Valley Death continues to pile on the helpless and hapless Ewing Oil. The death today of Boris Yeltsin, 76, tacks on 24 more points onto a lead that is now an incredible 111-0. A total of five deaths in the first four months of the season has likely put the season already out of reach for Ewing Oil, even with eight full months left to play.

"I just don't know what to say anymore," said a spokesperson for Ewing Oil. "It's like a bad dream that won't end. All four Golden Girls could die tomorrow and we'd still be trailing, that's how messed up things are right now for Ewing Oil."

When reached for comment this morning following the news of Yeltsin's death, a spokesperson for Sweet Valley Death said "right on", though he could not recall even drafting Yeltsin, much less with the 8th pick in the draft.

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