Wednesday, July 04, 2007


The Picks Are In...

It's Independence Day in America and that can mean one thing, and one thing only: The July 4th Supplemental Draft of Our Sick Game. Representatives from Sweet Valley Death were unable, or unwilling, to agree to conduct the draft in person so it took place this morning via a secure telephone line.

With the first pick in the draft, as expected, Ewing Oil selected the highly-coveted prospect from North Carolina, Elizabeth Edwards, 58. Edwards, the wife of presidential hopeful and psychic John Edwards, is currently suffering from stage IV cancer and undergoing treatment. She is also currently engaged in a public feud with conservative pundit Ann Coulter.

With their pick, Sweet Valley Death selected Tony Snow, 52, out of Washington, D.C. Snow serves as the White House Press Secretary and, like Edwards, is suffering from cancer. Earlier this year he missed nearly two months of work while undergoing treatment for colon cancer.

Sweet Valley Death, the defending champions of Our Sick Game, currently leads Ewing Oil 164-0.

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