Thursday, July 12, 2007


Slump Over, Ewing Oil Puts Six on Board

Finally! After a season-long slump that has seen Sweet Valley Death build up an insurmountable 164-0 lead, Ewing Oil finally scored its first points of the season yesterday with the death of Lady Bird Johnson. The former First Lady, 94, died of natural causes. A spokesperson for Ewing Oil said that his team would take the death, and the points, any way they could get them.

"Natural causes, lung cancer, bear attack, who cares at this point," the spokesperson said. "We're just tickled pink to finally get on the board. Nobody ever wants to get shutout. We've got a long way to go, but Johnson's death is one that we needed. She came though, now it's long over-due for some of our other leaders to step up."

With Johnson's death, Ewing Oil now trails Sweet Valley Death by the score of 164-6.

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