Thursday, September 06, 2007


Pavarotti Dead; Ewing Oil Now Within 40

Ewing Oil continued its march back into contention this morning following the death of Opera singer Luciano Pavarotti of pancreatic cancer. Pavarotti, 71, leaves behind millions of fans and, equally as important, 29 huge points for his team Ewing Oil. Sweet Valley Death's lead has now been reduced to 40 points, 164-124, with still over three months left in the game. Pavarotti marks the sixth consecutive death for Ewing Oil dating to early July, when it trailed Sweet Valley Death by a then-seemingly insurmountable deficit of 164-0.

"It's just been an amazing run so far and I don't think it's over by any means," said a spokesperson for Ewing Oil. "We're within 40 points now. That's one really good death, or two pretty good ones, from taking the lead. In fact, we're just a Suzanne Pleshette away from really giving Sweet Valley Death some sleepless nights."

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