Monday, January 07, 2008


Anna Nicole Named MVP for 2007

It's unanimous. In one of the most decisive MVP votes yet, Anna Nicole Smith has joined the ranks of Peter Jennings and Fidel Castro as a Most Valuable Player of Our Sick Game. Anna Nicole earned this award the hard way. Not only was she the 65th and final player taken in the 2007 draft, but her 61 points were the largest point total for a death in the history of Our Sick Game. From a psychological standpoint, her death and subsequent points were the turning point of the entire season.

"Her death set the tone, most definitely," said a spokesperson for Ewing Oil. "Turns out we would have lost even if you took away her 61 points, but to have the last pick of the draft die in such a spectacular fashion, and for that amount, it was completely demoralizing."

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