Friday, July 04, 2008


The Picks Are In...

One of the most anticipated events in every season of Our Sick Game is the 4th of July Supplemental Draft. As per custom, the team trailing on July 4 gets the first pick in the draft. Today, Ewing Oil surprised the world by selecting convicted murderer and one-time member of the "Manson Family," Susan Atkins. The 60-year-old Atkins is still serving a life sentence in prison and suffers from terminal brain cancer. She is not expected to live out the year, and recently had her request for early release denied by a judge.
"We were estatic when we found out about Atkins," said a spokesperson for Ewing Oil. "It's not often you get a chance to add someone of her caliber to your squad. We expect nothing but good things from her in the very near future."
In selecting Atkins, Ewing Oil defied conventional wisdom in not selecting everyones favorite victim of pancreatic cancer, Patrick Swayze. Sweet Valley Death happily chose Swayze, 55, with their pick, calling the choice a "no-brainer."
A Sweet Valley Death spokesperson lamented that neither Ted Kennedy or Arlen Specter could be selected today, urging the ailing politicians to "hang in there" and said, "We'll get to you soon."
Sweet Valley Death currently holds a 83-57 lead over Ewing Oil as the teams head into the second half of the season.

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