Monday, September 29, 2008


S.V.D. Out of Survivor Running

The death this weekend of Paul Newman has eliminated Sweet Valley Death from contention in this season's Survivor Series picks. In order to earn 15 bonus points at the end of the season, each team must correctly predict 15 players from the other team who will not die in 2008. Ewing Oil remains in contention for their 15 bonus points, which could play a significant role in the outcome of this season. The score currently stands with S.V.D. leading 177-90 with just over three months to play.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Goodbye, Newman

In a surprise to no one in the industry, film legend Paul Newman has died. The Oscar-winning actor passed away today at the age of 83. Along with a memorable career and a tasty array of salad dressings and spaghetti sauces, Newman leaves behind 17 important points for Ewing Oil. His final earthly contribution trims Sweet Valley Death's lead to 177-90. Although S.V.D.'s lead is still formidable, a death by moneyball Ron Springs would put Ewing Oil ahead in the game.
"We all appreciated Paul's hard work this season to come through for us," said a spokesperson for Ewing Oil. "Sometimes we're glad to see someone go, but in this case we're extremely glad."

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