Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Don't Forget the Grandfathers

For the first time ever in 2009, both teams can carry into the new season "grandfathered" players who no longer need to be drafted or protected. These players have been with the same team for three consecutive years, which is the criteria in this game for being "grandfathered," or staying with the same team until death.

Ewing Oil:

Muhammed Ali, 66
Bea Arthur, 86
Barbara Bush, 83
Walter Cronkite, 92
Larry Hagman, 77
Jack Kevorkian, 80
Nelson Mandella, 90
Tom McEwen, 85
Ed McMahon, 85
Don Pardo, 90
Pope Benedict XVI, 81
Andy Rooney, 89
Sherwood Schwartz, 92
George Steinbrenner, 78
Elizabeth Taylor, 76

Sweet Valley Death:

Louie Anderson, 55
Ed Asner, 79
Chuck Berry, 82
Wilford Brimley, 74
Fidel Castro, 82
Dick Clark, 79
Ruby Dee, 84
Stephen Hawking, 66
Andy Griffith, 82
Roger Moore, 81
Stan Musial, 88
Arnold Palmer, 79
Don Rickles, 82
Pat Summerall, 78
Jonathan Winters, 83

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