Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Don't Forget the Grandfathers

These players have been with the same team for at least three consecutive years, which is the criteria in this game for being "grandfathered," or staying with the same team until death.

Ewing Oil:

Muhammad Ali, 67
Ray Bradbury, 89
Rosalyn Carter, 83
Barbara Bush, 84
Roger Ebert, 67
Luis Echeverria, 87
Elizabeth Edwards, 60
Betty Ford, 91
Malcolm Glazer, 81
Larry Hagman, 78
Terry Jones, 67
Ken Kercheval, 74
Jack Kevorkian, 81
Henry Kissinger, 86
Phil Lesh, 69
Nelson Mandella, 91
Tom McEwen, 86
Leslie Nielsen, 83
Don Pardo, 91
Pope Benedict XVI, 82
Nancy Reagan, 88
Keith Richards, 66
Nicole Richie, 28
Andy Rooney, 90
Sherwood Schwartz, 93
Ariel Sharon, 81
Harry Dean Stanton, 83
George Steinbrenner, 79
Elizabeth Taylor, 77
Helen Thomas, 89
Eli Wallach, 94

Sweet Valley Death:

Iyad Allawi, 64
Louis Anderson, 56
Ed Asner, 80
Chuck Bednarik, 84
Chuck Berry, 83
Wilford Brimley, 75
Fidel Castro, 83
Dick Clark, 80
Beverly Cleary, 93
Ruby Dee, 85
Andy Griffith, 83
Stephen Hawking, 67
Liza Minelli, 63
Roger Moore, 82
Stan Musial, 89
Arnold Palmer, 80
Carl Reiner, 87
Don Rickles, 83
Pat Summerall, 79
Vern Troyer, 40
Abe Vigoda, 88
Jonathan Winters, 84
Chuck Yeager, 86

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