Friday, December 31, 2010


Survivor Series 2011 Picks

A huge fan favorite of Our Sick Game is the Survivor Series. Each team selects 15 players from the other team's roster who they believe will not die in 2011. If each of the selected players remains alive at the end of 1, 15 points will be awarded to the lucky team. No partial credit will be awarded. Mediocrity is frowned upon, not rewarded, here at Our Sick Game.

Ewing Oil:

Kurt Angle
Earl Campbell
Grizz Chapman
Tommy Chong
John Daly
Michael J. Fox
Jon Gosselin
Alexa Ray Joel
Hulk Hogan
Alex Karras
Jason Mewes
Urban Meyer
Snooki Polizzi
Bubba Smith
Steven Tyler

Sweet Valley Death:

Paul Abdul
Pam Anderson
Julian Assange
Bobby Brown
Bill Clinton
Corey Felldman
Lady Gaga
Kate Gosselin
Lindsay Lohan
Courtney Love
Heidi Montag
Nicole Richie
Britney Spears
Mike Tyson
Amy Winehouse

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