Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Don't Forget the Keepers

Rounding out the lineup for Ewing Oil and Sweet Valley Death are keepers from the 2013 rosters.
Ewing Oil:

Casey Anthony, 26
Gay Culverhouse, 65
George Karl, 62
Michael Lohan, 53
Brett Michaels, 50
Hosni Mubarak, 85
Buddy Ryan, 78
Joran Van Der Sloot, 25

Sweet Valley Death:

Ted DiBiase, 59
Gene Hackman, 83
Hulk Hogan, 60
Joe Jackson, 84
Connie Needham, 54
Evi Quaid, 49
Randy Quaid, 63
Jimmy Snuka, 70
Orlando Thomas,40
Roderick Toombs, 59

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